Tag Archives: Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin Watch

Jeg kender ingen der så årvågent holder øje med Sarah Palin og den ekstreme højredrejning af amerikansk politik som Andrew Sullivan fra The Daily Dish (og The Times). Har du ham ikke allerede bookmarket, bør du gøre det nu.

I sin lørdagsklumme undersøger Sullivan Sarah Palins mulige præsidentkandidatur enten for republikanerne eller som uafhængig ‘Tea bagger’ i 2012. Vil hun stille op eller ej? Og har hun overhovedet nogen chance for at vinde over Obama?

Sulliavan konkluderer:

There are two unknowns, it seems to me. The first is: who else have the Republicans got? No one out there equals her grip on the base or her charisma. In the primaries she has a solid phalanx of devoted supporters who are exactly the kind of voters who show up come rain or shine. If the Republican establishment tries to counter her with a blander candidate, she could easily run as a Tea party candidate — a George Wallace-style option and one that might well guarantee Obama a landslide.

The second unknown is the economy and the war. Both could get worse. A slide back into recession or a terror attack could give the sub-rational forces that Palin channels so well a real chance to break through. This is a country of deep and dark populist moments and she is seeking hers.

I have to say I fear her. Or, rather, I fear a country that has allowed such a person to come so close to power and to dominate its discourse quite so powerfully. It is a sign that all is not well. And the world needs an America which is more stable and more calm than the one Palin represents.

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